The Spirit Behind Luna

Robin took to Twitter to share the world the story of Luna, what inspired it, and how it became a fairy tale about a Bird and the Moon.

Today, I wanna talk a little bit about @LunaVideoGame and what motivated us to create it. To begin - here is the very first page of the notebook I kept for the first year of the project. It is simple - but also probably the most direct explanation of our goals.

Spirit of Luna 1.jpg

In many ways, humans are sponges. Often, without realizing it, we take on the stories, attitudes and beliefs of the people around us, even when they are not helpful. Sometimes, when they are toxic. This can lead to a lack of self-esteem, self-reliance.... and self-advocacy.

Spirit of Luna 2.jpg

When we hurt inside, because of an attitude, experience or story that is self-denying, self-destructive it self-shaming ... it has so many long lasting effects. It takes away from our ability to believe we belong, we are enough, and are worthy of love.

I, like so many of you, have survived sexual violence and sexual harassment. In these recent months, as we look at the ways #MeToo  illuminates this pain, it can feel hopeless. And when we look inward to confront our shame or pain - that can also feel so very dark and lonely.

But the truth below that pain, the hope that lies beyond the shame, is that we have an immense capacity to thrive in the face of intense & painful struggles. We have so many brothers and sisters out there who care, who will listen, and speak out for change. We are not alone.

Not every event in your life will be welcome. Many times the suffering of others will bleed into your life and multiply your pain. It is an unavoidable fact of living as a human on this planet. But the shared nature of this reality, while painful, binds us all. We all suffer

It is what you do with your pain that matters. You can’t avoid it - but you can learn to process it and let it go. Sometimes, the pain will lead you to anger, frustration, regret. We have all lost it, felt rage, spoken words and done deeds in anger. This is also very human

But every painful moment has the potential to lead to healing, learning, empathy and personal growth. In every moment of suffering there lies both the seed of violence and hatred... and the seed of kindness and peace.

I began this project because I wanted to process my own pain. I wanted to let go of some ugly, difficult and trying times in a way that was simple, elegant and open to all. And as the team grew, and more people contributed, that dream became a reality.

Luna is not a long experience. It is not difficult to play. It does not ask much - just that you touch, explore, look and listen to help a lost & curious Bird. But I hope it also shows that pain can beget calm, gentle beauty.

You are human.
You are beautiful.
You matter.
